Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 19th Academic Update

Here are some updates from our week!

Social Studies:
From the Leaching Song we learned that acorns are poisonous. -Deonta
We are learning about Geography. -Ava
We did the Native American Projects! -Kaleb and Lizzy
We learned how the Native Americans used the Natural Resources. -Britney

We switched math groups. -Carissa
We are learning about Properties of Addition:

  • Identity Property: 16+0=16
  • Commutative Property: 5+4 = 4+5
  • Associative Property: (3 + 5) + 6 = (6 + 3) + 5

We learned about patterns. - Showmen

Some of us finished our Flying Stories. -Brett
We created power descriptive sentences. -Justin
We learned how to write paragraphs. -Ava

In cross fit we played our first dodge ball game. -Sean

We had picture day on Friday. -Carissa

We are having our first Electronic Party. -Meghana

We had a guest reader come in (Librarian Elsa from the main campus). -Audrey
We are going to have a mystery reader today. -Emma
Executive Director Ting Sun came to visit us today! -Ms. Steinlein

In Spanish we met a new friend, SeƱora Panda. -Owen
We had 2 birthday boys this week! -Carissa
Effie Yeaw Field Trip on Monday! -Everyone!
To learn more about Effie Yeaw before the trip, visit the website: Effie Yeaw
Some recess fun.

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun with electronic day party.I like how you said recess fun it looked cool and like how you take pictures put it on the blog. And hope you teach well
    love Deonta


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~Ms. Steinlein