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Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Aekas at Aquatics Camp

Hi my name is Aekas and this is my blog about Aquatics camp I went to, this summer. This camp was a week long and we learned different aquatic activities at Lake Natoma.
On the first day we learned to sailboat. A sailboat has a tiller that is connected to a rudder, which makes the boat go the opposite direction of where you point it to. So, if you see an obstacle and are struggling to go backwards, you tiller towards trouble. This will take you to the opposite direction and save you from crashing into the obstacle. Below is the image of the “No Go Zone”. You can head any way except where the wind is coming from.

No Go Zone

The next day we learned how to kayak. It was a three person Kayak. My brother Aekam, a friend, Trevor and I kayaked to the lagoon. Kayaking is really hard. Our friend left us behind, so Aekam and I had to walk on the rocks and we almost slipped and got hurt. The water wasn’t very clean and had seaweed in it. Some of the kids from the camp were playing with slimy seaweed.

The third day we learned to windsurf and paddle board. It is very hard to windsurf because you have to hold on to the boom, which is attached to the Sail, which in turn is attached to the mast; making the boom very heavy. Our instructor had to be with us when we tried it.

Paddleboarding was really fun. We got to paddle board and I actually fell off while paddleboarding. But we had to wear life vests the entire time we were out in the water and it kept us safe.

The fourth day we learned to canoe. Because canoes are unstable, the Aquatic Center nailed 2 canoes together with wood planks. Nailing the canoes helped make it more stable. Aekam and I got partnered with 2 bossy girls. We canoed to Blackberry Island and it was a lot of fun.

The last day we only watched a boating safety rules video called Aqua Smart. It was basically like Sesame Street where the walrus, a duck and a Frog were wearing life vests. These characters showed up mostly things that we had learned throughout the week.
On Thursday, there was Parents Night where our parents come and play with us. My dad, my brother and I went canoeing and we ate ice cream!!!!! On the same day there was a camp out where parents leave the kids to camp at the Aquatic Center. My brother and I did not go because my parents said No.

On Friday, kids could wear tie-dye shirts. My parents, brother and I made tie-dye shirts at home to wear if to this event. Also, the people from camp out got BBQ lunch that day! It was not fair :(

P.S. we snuck some lemonade at the BBQ :)

Overall, it was a great camp and we learned a lot! Thanks for stopping by and reading about my aquatics camp!!


  1. Hi Aekas,I did not get a single part of the begening the no go zone. I just went to Tahoe it was awesome.I hope you had a good time!
    Your friend,Mariah

    1. Dear mariah,
      The no go zone is the wind. If your boat goes in the no go zone, you might fly away
      your friend, Aekas

    2. Dear Aekas,Scary!

  2. Hey Aekas, what was your favorite part on the trip?
    what did you do with your family

    1. Dear Keyion,
      I did not go with my family it was a camp. my favorite part was
      sailboating because I got paired with my friend.
      your friend, aekas

  3. Aekas,
    When I was on a paddle board in Tahoe, I fell off a lot because my Dad pushed me off with the paddle. Did you push someone off?

    1. Dear phia,
      I did push someone of one of the bossy girls friends
      Your friend Aekas

  4. Dear Aekas,
    Your birthday pardy looks so COOL!!! I loved your pictures they look so cool. Where did you have your birthday pardy? What did you do at your birthday pardy? Will I hope you have a great birthday.

    your friend Trevor

    1. dear trevor,
      The blog was not about my B'day.
      but it was pretty close to my camp because of the sufing part
      your friend Aekas

  5. Dear Aekas,
    It seems fun for you to go on all of the things. It seems like you learned allot of sailboating,Kayaking and windsurfing. what did you like the most sailboating,Kayaking or windsurfing? I hope you enjoyed your trip alot.
    Your, friend

    1. dear kyler,
      I liked sailboating because i was paired with my friend

  6. Dear Aekas,
    I didn't know how to turn on a sail boat now you taut me it looks preaty cool and your birthday was so fun hope you had fun at your camp
    your friend,

    1. Dear luke,
      we did not do the sail boats with moters
      and i had fun at my camp

  7. Hi Aekas. That camp looks fun. I thought kayaking looked easy but now I don't think so any more. How were you able to sneak some lemonade? That camp must have been so cool.

  8. Dear Aekas,
    Sounds like you enjoyed aquatics camp! You learned a lot and had fun! Which water activity was your favorite? I love paddle boarding! Thanks for sharing!
    Ms. Steinlein

  9. Dear Aekas,
    I like the pictures. Did you have a lot of fun in Aquatics?
    It looked really fun windsurfing.

  10. Dear Aekas. that looked awsome wind surfing. HOW DID YOU GET IN!? I hope you had a fun time next year sign me up!

  11. Dear Aekas,
    Wow that looks fun.What was your favorite part about the hole trip?If I went there I would go paddle boating.

    Your friend,

  12. Dear Akes,
    Was it fun to windsurf! I hope you liked the camp

    Your Friend,


  13. Aekas
    what was the most fun activity there. i once tried to windsurf but it did not go as planned where you with aekam?

  14. Dear Aekas,
    I love your pictures!
    Did you have fun on your trip.
    What is your favorite part of the trip?

  15. Hi Aekas,
    That looks really fun I want to go there.That was funny when you snuck some lemonade and BBQ.Was that your first time going there?
    Your Classmate,

  16. Dear Aekas,
    you seem like you had a ton of fun at aquatics camp Canoeing sure is fun .I loved it my family and I have actually gone snorkeling in a lagoon I heard a man up front saw a sea turtle! were you scared when you went windsurfing?
    hope you can anwser . Bye!
    your classmate,
    MAYA :)

  17. What going on Aekas,
    I bet you had a lot of fun.(:Were you sad when you could't go camping but who cares a long as you had good time I AM HAPPY):

  18. Dear Aekas
    It is so cool that you had your friends with you.I have never gone kayaking. Did you like it?
    Your friend

  19. Dear Aekas,
    How far is sacremento to lake natoma? Wow ! you went wind surfing it looks cool.


  20. Dear Aekas,
    I love your pictures of you on your trip.
    I want to go there too.

  21. Dear Aekas,
    Hi Aekas was it fun going to the aquatics camp?
    well if I was there I would have a lot of fun. Did you succeed in
    any of them because I probably would not succeed hope you had a
    fun summer bye.


  22. Dear Aekas,
    Aquatics camp looks fun.When you did windsurfing did you catch a wave?
    maybe I would go there sometime.Have a great day!

  23. Dear Aekas,
    Did you know my friends did windsurfing befor. My mom did paddleboarding befor and she fell. Hope you have a good school year?
    your friend,

  24. Dear Aekas,
    Did you know my friends did windsurfing befor. My mom did paddleboarding befor and she fell. Hope you have a good school year?
    your friend,

  25. Dear Aekas,
    I like your picture of you Kayaking
    I wish i could go with you it would be allot of fun.
    I like the part when you went to do paddleboarding.
    And i like your wind surfing.

    Your friend,


  26. Dear Aekas, I never been to aqatics camp but it looks really fun. Was it your first time there?
    It looks like alot of fun.
    Your friend, Mariana S.

  27. Dear Aekas,
    I liked that you were really sneaky and stole some lemonade I also liked that you got to ware tie-dye shirts. Why did you think the 2 girls were bossy? Also the water reminds me of swimming class.

  28. Dear Aekas
    I have never went patalborting. was it fun?
    from : Irie


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