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Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Josh's TRUE blog story

True Story

Trevor And Josh’s Adventure

Chapter 1
Hello! We are going to tell you a very crazy story about two very good friends that had a very crazy day. Once upon a time there were two boys and their names were Trevor and Josh. One day Trevor and Josh were playing around outside and then Trevor had a great idea, ¨How about we go on an adventure on bikes¨.” “Yeah!!! Let's do it!”, Josh said. “We should race”, said Trevor. “Yeah, let’s race! READY, SET, GO!!!”
Chapter 2
Trevor springs ahead. Trevor is already taking the lead. Josh is trying to take the lead. “Wait Stop!” Trevor yelled. Trevor and Josh stood in front of a tall metal gate. “Wow! How can we get into this.“ Trevor said. Oh, there’s no code”, said Josh. So they started to push open the gate and walked in.
Chapter 3
“Do you feel sprinkles of water?” asked Josh “Yeah I do.”, said Trevor. “Oh no it’s starting to rain” Josh said worriedly. “Nah it will be fine”. Trevor exclaimed. So they looked ahead and saw a long field of grass that led to a dog walking street. “Come on let’s go!” yelled Trevor. And they rode their bikes till they got to the street.

Chapter 4
When they got to the street it was really long. The rain was turning into a storm.  “Now. I told you it was an adventure.” Trevor said. “You were right, Let’s keep going¨, Josh said. When they got half way through the trail they saw this tree with grapefruits. “Well it looks pretty tasty maybe we should go pick it”. “Well it does look pretty tasty right” “Yeah I guess so”, “C’mon” Said Josh Ok let’s go.”
Chapter 5
Trevor and Josh sprinted across the drenched grass. As they sprinted they realized that they were in a huge storm. When they got to the bush they pulled the grapefruit as hard as they could. After they got it.  KA BAM! The grapefruit ripped right off of the tree. ”Come on!” they  both screamed, “We need to get home before the storm gets worse.” Then they got back to their bikes. Trevor took off. Then Josh yelled, “Wait up!”and Josh sprinted up to Trevor. Trevor stopped instantly. “What is it”? asked Trevor. “The bike broke!!!!” said Josh. WHAT!!!” “REALLY!?!’ Trevor asked. “That’s my brothers bike.’ “He’s gonna be so mad.” “Oh no this is bad.” said Trevor. “I’m going to try to fix it.” said Josh. “UHHH!” “The chain got locked out of place so the wheel won’t move me forward.” “What do we do now?!” said Trevor. “I guess we’ll just have to run.” Trevor and Josh were soaked. The rain was getting worse and worse by every second. “Come on!!!”
“We have to go!!!“ Ok let’s go. Said Trevor. “Wait there’s a tall gate over there do you want to climb over!?” Trevor said. “Uhhhh.” “Take the risk or take longer?” Let’s risk it. Said Josh. “Ok how do we get over this?” Said Trevor. “I have no idea.” “What!?” “I thought you did!” “Wait wait wait  I have an idea.”
Chapter 6
“We can just do it the regular way.” Said Josh.
“Ok but I don’t know how so you will have to do it.” Said Trevor. “I can try.” Said Josh. “Ok.” “UHH!” “It’s too slippery!” “Wait I got a good idea.”, said Josh, “I can try to get up by you keeping the bike stabilized and I will get up using the bike’s support.” Said Josh Ok. “I’m getting there!” Said Josh. “Now just jump.” Said Trevor. Ok. Then Josh jumped and opened the door from the other end and let Trevor in. Ok we have to run! Then we heard another voice, “Hey Trevor! Josh! Run to the house!” “Who was that?” Josh asked.  “My mom, she’s in the car.” “Oh ok.”, said Josh, “I didn’t see her. Let’s go to the movies.!”
That was the story of Trevors and Josh’s crazy adventure.


  1. Dear Josh,
    I like your blog.
    It is really long but it is really good.
    I like to race bikes with my dad.

  2. Josh,
    That adventure we had was so awesome! That was at the right time at the right place That adventure was so fun and extreme.

    Your friend trevor

  3. Dear Josh,
    Your story is amazing and long!
    Did you and Trevor have a great time?
    Hope you had a good trip.

  4. Dear Josh,
    I love your story. Why did you make it so long? Why did you make a story for your blog?


  5. Dear Josh,
    I really liked your story. Was that a real story? I wish I was in the story.

    from: Eric

    To Josh

  6. Dear Josh,
    Is that really true?What was your favorite part of it?

  7. Josh ( and maybe trevor),
    That story was so cool! I wish I did that for my blog. Is that a true story?

  8. Dear Josh,
    Your blog is so cool.I liked the part where you said Ka Bam! How did you come up with the idea of a race? Hope you respond.
    - Kadyn

  9. Dear josh
    wow that must have took a long time.what is your favorite part about the story?I liked chapter 2.

    your friend

  10. Dear Josh,
    I like the story it was so cool.I like the trip with trevor.I wish i could go on the trip it sounds so fun.


  11. josh that is so cool did you really go to the movies? who who the race? once me and my friend did a race and i won


  12. Dear Josh,
    hi good job! Did you want to climb the gate. Your adventure seem fun.
    Your Frend Haleigh

  13. Dear Josh,
    I like how your story has chapters and that you have Trevor in your story. Is your story a true story or is it just called true story? I like how your story has a storm and that your bike broke.
    Your classmate,

  14. Hi Josh
    That sounded like quite an adventure. Did you have fun? hope you did!
    Love Olivia

  15. That story was so awesome, sorry that it rained on you.

    BY: Lela

  16. dear Josh ,
    That is one crazy story I bet it was a lot of fun! my dad and i always go on crazy adventures but yours was a lot crazier
    than ours .were you nervous or scared?
    The Happy Girl :)

  17. Dear Josh,
    That is a really cool story! Is it true ? how long did it take you and trevor to go on that journey? what movie did you watch?
    Your friend,
    Mariana S.

  18. Dear Josh,
    Very cool story
    Very intesting story
    Very cool

  19. Hi Josh,
    I pretty sure half of that story was not real. Also was there really a huge storm? Or were you exaggerating. Yeah, I think you were exaggerating. Also where were you where were you when this incident happened? I really liked your story.

  20. Dear josh,
    Your story is so cool and half fake:).

  21. Hi Josh,
    That was a CRAZY story. I think i would want to do that .Did you git in LOTS of trouble when you did that?
    Your friend keyion
    p.s. That sounds AWSOME!!!!!!!!!

  22. Dear trevor and josh
    that sounds very fun i have never had a race on bikes it sound SO fun!!!
    from Irie

  23. Dear Josh,
    That was a crazy advanture! I would want to do that. Did you get in a lot of trouble?
    Your friend,

  24. Dear Josh,
    That adventure was AWESOME!!! You make great blogs especaliy when its like than! Did you make that story up? Great blog thumbs up! :)


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