Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Friday, August 29, 2014

3rd Week of School Update

We had a very busy 3rd week of school! The students will share with you what we've been up to in 3rd grade!

We did PE with my mom. -Owen
We did Cross Fit with Emma's Dad -Lizzy 
Owen's mom had the students moving like all kinds of animals. The fox was my favorite! Mr. Jason made everyone sore with all of those squats! Does anyone else have sore legs? -Ms. Steinlein 
Most of us got new mileage marker cards for Fit Friday. -James

English Language Arts: 
We took our first Sort Spelling test -Roman 
Ms. Steinlein read the book Tracy's Mess and we wrote from Literature. -Sean
We are about to finish the book Frindle as a class. -Showmen 
We built our writing stamina. - Brody
We learned about Short a and Long a in spelling. -Meghana
We started our art lesson by practicing the metacognitive skill of visualization! On Tuesday we visualized where we would fly to if we could fly anywhere in the world. Then we wrote about it in our writing journals. On Wednesday we started the art project! -Ms. Steinlein 

This week we started our first Arts Attack projects. -Audrey 

Social Studies: 
We learned the three parts of the Constitution: Preamble, Articles and Amendments. -Keara
We made our first Constitution Lap Book. -Deonta
We started our American Symbol group projects.  -Ava
We learned more about American Symbols. -Britney 
This week we learned that working in a group can be hard and it takes a lot of practice. -Emma
The group work was challenging for us. We are working on some strategies, like compromise and teamwork, to make group work go more smoothly. It was an important experience and as the week progressed, each group was working better with each other. -Ms. Steinlein 

We have been reviewing place value, comparing, and ordering numbers! -Ms. Steinlein
We started learning about rounding.  -Laiba 
We learned how to count base ten blocks -Justin 

Thanks for reading more about 3rd grade! Leave a comment below! 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to School Night!

Thank you for being such wonderful families! The students loved showing off what they've learned. Here are some pictures I snapped before we got started!

This is the procedure video we worked on last Friday! Check out how we do it in 3rd grade!

Feel free to comment below! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The first week of school!

We had a wonderful first week of school! I am surprised how much we accomplished in just one week!

We started our first official art project! The students wrote their goals for the 3rd grade school year and made adorable self portraits. 

On the first day of school we worked in collaborative groups to describe what a good teacher, student, and learning environment looks and sounds like. We used this information to write a classroom constitution. 


We also learned our first metacognition skill: Visualization! We read poems and listened to music and drew our visualizations. Metacognition is also one of our signal words. Ask your third grader to show you what we do in third grade when we say "Metacognition". 

We also visited our little buddies in Miss. Kloczko's class! The students made bookmarks together and the first graders showed the third graders their book bags. They were so cute reading together. That was definitely a highlight of the week. 

On Friday we reviewed the rules and procedures of the classroom. The students wrote scripts and recorded videos of themselves preforming the procedures. I cannot wait to share these videos at Back to School Night on Tuesday. 

Feel free to leave comments below! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

First Day of 3rd Grade!

Today was the very first day of 3rd grade and it was awesome! Below are some of the comments the third graders made about their first day. Feel free to comment below!

Me and James were in the same class in Kindergarten. I am in class with 2 of my best friends! -Audrey

Britney, Carissa, and I have been in the same school since Kindergarten. -Lizzy

I met a new teacher today and I'm still with my best friend! -Laiba

What I liked is we still get to write in our journals and we have homework and I love Homework! -Keara

I like that today we did the puzzle pieces. We also got to decorate our notebooks! -Ava

We got to study citizenship. We got to meet some new classmates! -Emma

We got to read good stories today. -Showmen

Today I learned where everything was and when everything happened at Star Academy. I had a great first day and I am surprised how little homework there is. -James

What I liked about the first day was learning about other people.  I like the homework because when  read I want to find out the mystery and how it is solved -Britney

I met one new person! We'll meet Owen tomorrow! -Isaac

Today we wrote in our journals about "How We Felt About the First Day of School" -Deonta

I found out that Calvin and I have been in the same class since Preschool. -Justin

We got to meet new friends -Meghana

This was a great first day of school! -Roman

We had awesome recesses! -Chase

I got to see some friends again! -Brody

Sean and I have been in the same class since kinder! -Branden

I had a good day of 3rd grade! -Natalie

Today was my first day of 3rd grade! -Matthew