Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The first week of school!

We had a wonderful first week of school! I am surprised how much we accomplished in just one week!

We started our first official art project! The students wrote their goals for the 3rd grade school year and made adorable self portraits. 

On the first day of school we worked in collaborative groups to describe what a good teacher, student, and learning environment looks and sounds like. We used this information to write a classroom constitution. 


We also learned our first metacognition skill: Visualization! We read poems and listened to music and drew our visualizations. Metacognition is also one of our signal words. Ask your third grader to show you what we do in third grade when we say "Metacognition". 

We also visited our little buddies in Miss. Kloczko's class! The students made bookmarks together and the first graders showed the third graders their book bags. They were so cute reading together. That was definitely a highlight of the week. 

On Friday we reviewed the rules and procedures of the classroom. The students wrote scripts and recorded videos of themselves preforming the procedures. I cannot wait to share these videos at Back to School Night on Tuesday. 

Feel free to leave comments below! 


  1. It looks like things went really well this week. You looked like a veteran teacher! I'm very proud of you Ms. Steinlein.
    P.S. I miss my 2nd graders (now third graders).

  2. Dear Third graders,
    You are so smart and so lucky to have such a fabulous teacher! I love your class constitution and the buddy pictures! I will definitely stop by to see what visualization looks like!
    Mrs. Kloczko

  3. Hi Ms. Steinlein's 3rd graders!! It looks like you are having a great time! I miss you all but I know Ms. Steinlein is taking good care of you. I love the class constitution! Love, Mrs. Evans

  4. Wow! What an fabulous start to such an amazing year! Your students, projects, and instruction are just oozing with love, passion, and creativity! Congratulations! I am so excited for you!


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~Ms. Steinlein